
+385 99 8659 753

icon Praha » Makarska 1084km
11h 11min


amenities icons Légkondíciónálás
amenities icons TV+SAT
amenities icons Hűtőgép
amenities icons Vízforraló
Město: Makarska
Region: Split


Ružica Hrstić Tel: +385 99 8659 753 Mob: +385 99 8659 753
A katalógusban 2013.

Owner speaks:

Árak és elérhetőség

Ubytovací jednotka:
Elérhető Foglalt

Předběžná cena:

0 HUF /pobyt
Az ár erre vonatkozik 2 Felnőttek, a 15 napok
Az ár erre vonatkozik 4+2 személyek, és 11 napok
Vlastník nezadal cenu za vybraný termín

Vybraný termín je příliš krátký! Minimální pošet nocí je 0!

Je možné že uvedený poèet osob nebude možné ubytovat (překrošena kapacita)!

Příplatky za osoby navíc již v ceně.



Katasztrófa 1/5

Értékelés alapján 1 vélemények


Marcela Vrnv

Bent maradt A8+2
Június 2023 | Beküldve: 5.7.2023

WORST ACCOMONDATION EXPERIENCE EVER We stayed in this appartment for 10 days, on the photos it looks great but the reality is very bad. When we arrived the floor was dirty, the kitchen cabinet was sticky so we have to clean all apartment by ourselves. Then we seen a mouse running in the kitchen, we asked for mouse trap and the lady who gave us key from apartment gave us some glue (they don t even have willingness to gave us normal trap for a mouse). During our stay we catched 3 MOUSES (it shows cleanliness of the apartment) There was no wifi connection first 4 days but luckily they repair it and it works till the end of stay. There was also problem with hot water in the shower. We open the oven and felt terrible smell so we took it out and the isolation was chewed by the mouses. When it was raining we have to put children pool on the floor because roof window overflowed. There were mouse poops in the kitchen cabinet. The worst part was when the lady who is responsible for the apartment came in with 3 guys who bring a fridge and a sofa. Nobody told us/write us that there will be some rennovation during our stay that day. Then there was some problem with toilets in the bottom apartment so half of the day we heard sounds from the hammer. PERFECT HOLIDAY. We asked the owner to gave us some compensation but we received 0,00€. So I really do not reccomend to pay money to stay in this house. Just in case you love impurnity and mouses. The lady who is responsible for apartment is not polite at all.


Neža Gorenc

Beküldve : 13.07.2021

Za termin od 03.07.2021 do 10.07.2021 smo imeli rezerviran apartma za 4+2 osebe. Ko smo prišli v namestitev ni bila takšna kot jo lastnik nepremičnine oglašuje.
Druga spalnica nima okna (kar ni razvidno iz fotografij)
Kuhinjski stoli so zarjaveti
Vrtna garnitura je raztrgana in rjasta
Umazanija na blazina vrtnega pohištva, po balkonu, oknih
Neprijetne vonjave v hladilniku
Apartma je bil neurejen in se je videlo, da že dolgo časa ni bil ustrezno počiščen
Apartma se ne nahaja na prvi red od mora ampak se nahaja v drugi vrsti!
Parkirišče za osebni avtomobil je drugje kot se nahaja sam apartma
Ko smo lastnika soočili z napakami apartmaja, sta se prepirala z nami in se nista želela pogovoriti na lep način. Apartma pred sezono stane 130,00 EUR, vendar videno ni primerno za postavljeno ceno.

Po končanem dopustu (zamenjali smo namestitev, katero smo našli sami) smo odpovedali še drugi termin pri omenjenih lastnikih in jih prosili za vračilo avansa. Lastnica se nam je oglasila in potrdila prek
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Renata Novota Burešová

Beküldve : 05.05.2015
